TOTP tokens are waterproof and durable for use in extre
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OPKarl47 2 months ago
Recently I started thinking about buying a TOTP token for work on the road, where the conditions can be quite extreme. I often go to places with high humidity or a lot of dust, and my phone has let me down more than once. I think I need a token that can withstand such conditions, ideally a waterproof one. Has anyone encountered this? Is it possible to find something reliable?
Joseph22 2 months ago
Yes, such devices exist. I personally use a token on hikes where I am constantly exposed to rain and dirt. There are good options, for example, hardware totp token, which are waterproof and can withstand physical stress. I have had a token for a year now and have had no problems, even in the harshest conditions.
MarkFarrow 2 months ago
I don't use such tokens, but I heard that for those who work outdoors, such devices are really useful. Especially if you often face the risk of damaging regular gadgets.
Last Edited: 2 months ago