How To Unlock, Use and Save Transmog Looks In Diablo 4

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OPJimekalmiya 2 weeks ago

Diablo 4's Transmog system allows players to take the appearance of D4 items and apply them to another, retaining your preferred stats in the process. In order to make players to speed on the ins and outs of this system, in this guide we'll run through how to unlock Transmog, as well as how to unlock and save Transmog looks.

How To Unlock Transmog In Diablo 4

You can unlock Diablo 4 transmog by speaking to a Blacksmith in any settlement in Sanctuary. You can salvage any gear you’ve collected in your inventory, but only items that display a pickaxe in the upper right-hand corner will unlock a new look when salvaged. Once salvaged, you can equip and customize it in the Wardrobe. You only need to salvage an item once to receive its look for transmog, so be sure to sell any additional loot if you don’t require any crafting materials or Veiled Crystals from salvaging.

How To Save and Change Transmog Looks In Diablo 4

Once you’ve salvaged the pieces of gear you’d like, head over to a Wardrobe to swap in and out your newly-unlocked visual appearances. All the appearance options you’ve unlocked per gear slot will be shown here, and it’s here you’ll also be able to customise your character's makeup, jewelry, markings and headstone using the tabs along the top seen in the below images too. When selecting a new appearance here, you’ll also be able to select various colours and dyes to apply as well, allowing you to further fine-tune your appearance to your liking.

Also, as an added bonus, even after applying a Transmog option over an equipped gear piece, you’re able to disable this at any time with an option visible when hovering over the associated gear icon in the character screen, letting you flick back and forth between the item’s original look and your custom look at any time.

You’ll also be able to save custom looks with the 'Ensemble' menu seen in the top right of the Wardrobe tab - buying extra slots does require Gold with an escalating cost up to 20,000 though, but overall it’s a relatively cheap investment for you fashion enthusiasts!

That is everything you need to know about Diablo 4 Transmog. Beyond that, make sure to check out our full tips and guides page U4gm for all you need to know about Diablo 4. The most important is they offer Diablo 4 Items for sale online, which are 100% safe and will be delivered within 15 minutes.