Best card is Crazed exe, full hand knowledge + snipe key cards like conflag is a must. Less top end more pure aggro you cannot grind. Taking life for rightous sets you up badly to just get forte evo face -> genesis for game later, 1 exe is fine, 2 usually snipes the problems anyway so paying is fine.
Dark General still wasn't good when tested, this version was better. Gets necro charge faster and has bane to deal with longer games. Phantom Howl still wasn't great cause you fill up board when using Playful so late game turns demonic is better due to this restriction. Faster necro charge made it easier for Cerberus and Mummy as well.
Only real change is maybe a 3rd Cerberus Evo -1 Mummy as usually if you do the Mummy evo you've alrdy won. Stacking Cerberus tokens for the buff is worth more.