This is a tournament list I utilized back in BP04 in an Untap Tournament hosted on the official Shadowverse Evolve Discord that I never posted. I ended up getting 2nd place and here's a bit of a discription of things from my experience/deck-building process.
As expected of a general sanguine list, you utilize synergies of cards that deal damage with cards with sanguine effects that are benefited from self damage. "Infernal Orchestration" is a great card since you can get a 6/6 "Dark General" with Storm on Turn 5 which is pretty hard to deal with and personally I prefer it over "Dire Bond" since you get card draws through "Path of Purgatory" and "Moriana the Bejeweled". For 2 costs, It's also pretty standard but I run 2 "Razory Claw" in case I need it for lethal or removal early game. I run "Playful Necromancer" since she deals with swarmed boards from Sword and the ghosts help reach lethal quicker. Moriana, "Howling Demon" and "Lucifer" are decent cards since they help heal you (Plus, I can't go wrong with Howling Demon, he's one of my favorite cards of all time). I know you're glancing at me since I don't run Lucifer Evo, but I kinda built this hastily. I would cut a Cerberus Evo for him since it was still somewhat valuable. "Cerberus" is nice since she helps reach lethal and provides removal. Finally, "Soul Dealer" is an interesting card since you can drop him turn 4 and keep him stand to provide pressure, ward him since he's a 6/5 or evo him turn 5-6+ for removal and some healing.
For the tournament experience, it was a Swiss tournament where games were B01 before becoming B03 for Top Cut. Before top cut, I faced 2 Bounce Forest decks, 1 Chimera Rune, and 1 NC Abyss decks. Chimera Rune got swept since my opp opened badly and couldn't do much, Bounce Forest is a scary matchup. I won 1 game pretty well utilizing Dark General and Howling Demon to sweep the floor with them, the 2nd match up came and it was intense and scary. It was an extremely close game and we both had eachothers throats but luckily my opponent never drew Silent Suzuka and I ended up winning. My matchup against NC Abyss started decentely but the game lasted too long and he could recycle Eachtar 2-3 times so I ended up losing. In top cut, I faced Bounce Forest 2 more times. These 2 players longed to achieve revenge against me. My semi-final match was another close game and I won it, proceeding to finals. In the finals game, my opp opened really well and proceeded to get lucky while I was doing decently. In the end, I got screwed and ended up losing the match.