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Deck History

7 months ago
+ 3Ivory Dragon (BP01-092)+ 3Fire Lizard (BP01-094)+ 3Mushussu (BP02-064)+ 3Dragontamer (BP02-065)+ 3Draconir, Knuckle Dragon (BP03-060)+ 3Hammer Dragonewt (BP03-064)+ 3Prime Dragon Keeper (BP04-063)+ 3Dragonrearer Matilda (BP04-073)+ 3Aqua Nereid (BP04-074)+ 3Cursed Stone (BP05-060)+ 3Seiun Sky (CP01-043)- 3Genesis Dragon (BP01-080)- 2Serpent Wrath (BP01-090)- 3Blazing Breath (BP01-098)- 3Dragon Emissary (BP01-100)- 2Surefire Bullet (BP02-112)- 3Jabberwock (BP03-055)- 3Dragon Summoner (BP03-069)- 3Sibyl of the Waterwyrm (BP04-057)- 3Star Phoenix (BP04-064)- 2Dragon's Nest (BP04-078)- 3Dragon Warrior (ETD01-007)- 3Dragon Oracle (SD04-002)

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