Coco and melon. Hit them with stuff, draw cards and keep hitting them.
- mummy, alucard and demonic strike
+ Lilith, soul conversion and execution
Lifegain with Lilith is pretty big with how much sanguine we have. 3 alucard felt like too much when drawing into them and demonic strike feels like a flex slot. Tried executioner again and wasn't great so going with execution for now.
+ mummy - dire bond
clogging up the board with amulets sucks so we are going to clog them up more with ghosts that die end of turn.
-goblin -spectre -soul conversion
+ding dong +crazed executioner
I really hate goblin. Ding dong feels so much better early to play some 1-2 drop then protect your board and draw a card. Crazed executioner is to discard something that'll be harder to deal with like a huge dragon. Executioner slots can also be switched with righteous devil if your meta has more sword and forest decks. Gonna go with executioner for now but devil has been very good against sword and forest.
Overall record since playing this deck is around 32-10. Went 6-1 and got first place at a qualifier with this list. I'll be retiring this list now and playing whatever until set 2 comes out but thanks for checking it out and hope it gives you good results too.