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Deck History

1 year ago
+ 3Silver Bolt (BP01-007)+ 3Elf Child May (BP01-012)+ 1Nature's Guidance (BP01-015)+ 3Harvest Festival (BP01-016)+ 3Bellringer Angel (BP01-159)+ 3Rose Deer (BP02-017)+ 3Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dee (BP03-014)+ 1Quick! Tasty! Fast! (CP01-005)+ 2(Complete Management) Riko Kashimoto (CP01-079)- 3Beauty and the Beast (BP03-001)- 3Magical Fairy, Lilac (BP03-004)- 3Flower Princess (BP03-012)- 3Woodland Band (BP03-017)- 3Alice, Wonderland Explorer (BP03-107)- 3Actress Feria (BP03-114)- 2Smart Falcon (CP01-003)- 3Gold City (CP01-004)- 1Shinko Windy (CP01-006)

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